Physics of Manifestation
The science of soul led creation
Watch the Introduction
Free Wisdom Teaching
On the Science of Birthing Your Creative Idea or Project
We humans are defined by our creative potential, also known as our soul gifts. We find joy and meaning in our lives, and create income and impact, by sharing these gifts.
The sad truth is, however, that so many amazing souls, who want to share the fullness of their potential, always seem to come up short.
Does that resonate with your experience in any way?
You feel like you have so much to give, but you can’t seem to crack the code on expressing yourself as powerfully, prosperously or consistently as you know you could?
On some level it’s not your fault. Movies like The Secret did a lot of good in waking people up to the more-than-physical nature of reality, but they also did a huge disservice by not sharing the complete process of what it takes to actually birth your brilliance and give your gifts in the physical realm.
This is why I’m so eager to share with you this Physics of Manifestation Wisdom Class. My great mission is to help you fully live into your soul potential and evolutionary purpose. And that begins with you being able to share your most potent creations.
A System for Optimal Creation
In the wisdom class I’ll be sharing the details of why so many creative people and projects remain unfulfilled. And what needs to happen to change this.
You’ll receive an advanced understanding of the actual physics at work in the creative process, and how you can apply these laws so you can finally have a clear, easily repeatable way of enjoying the purpose and prosperity that are your birthright.
Physics of Manifestation
The science of soul led creation
New Zealand
March 20 | 07:00
Central Europe
March 19 | 19:00
Pacific USA
March 19 | 11:00
When you attend the Wisdom Class
you will:
- Gain a deep understanding of the physics behind the creative manifestation process
- Meaning you have a method to follow that ensures you can realise even the biggest visions and most ambitious projects
- Identify and release energetic blocks within your energy consciousness system
- Meaning you no longer sabotage your own efforts without knowing why
- Cultivate alignment and harmony with your purpose and vision
- Meaning you no longer have to force the creative process
- Harness the power of intention and visualisation to accelerate your manifestation journey
- Meaning you can predictably tap into higher sources of inspiration for the most powerful co-creation possible
- Receive practical tools and techniques to support the birthing of your purpose-full projects and Soul-led creations
- Meaning you always have the clarity and capacity to see your creative process through to its most epic conclusion
key topics
- The role of consciousness, contract and coding
- Aligning with the universal life pulse
- The 12-Gates of creation
- The 12-Gates of contraction
- The role of the void
- How human consciousness allows or restricts the process
Why this matters
On a Personal Level
The reason mastering the true Physics of Manifestation is so essential is because, on a personal level, none of us – not you, not me, not your friends, nor your enemies – are meant to exist in scarcity and suffering.
We are meant to be creators.
This is how we celebrate and appreciate the gift of life, while living it to the fullest.
That’s why it’s so heartbreaking to see how common it is among the initiates at our live experiences and those who embark on our deep dive programmes like The Evolutionary Keys and our New-Shamanic School for people to be hitting up against a brick wall of frustration and failed attempts.
You are not the problem. You simply need the right guidance to upgrade your creativity protocols. A car can drive most of the way around the world on a fresh set of tyres… but barely make it up the street with none.
Why this matters
From a Planetary Perspective
For reasons both awesome and awful we need the Evolutionaries of this planet to stand up and be counted, and to be supported to make their unique contribution to the more wonderful world we know is possible.
We are in an incredible window of opportunity as a species, and if we can seize this moment collectively, the future we’ll live into will be stunning.
But it needs all of us, fully living into the most alive and potent versions of ourselves.
You may be asking, ‘what’s an Evolutionary?’ You are.
If you are reading these words, I know you are someone who desires two things: to live a joyful and meaningful life, and to be part of creating a more loving and beautiful world for all while you do it.
That’s why I can’t not host The Physics of Manifestation wisdom class. I want my children and their children to live in a world more incredible than I can imagine, and i know that there is every likelihood that you and other embers of our Evolutionary community possess the keys to unlock that beautiful vision.
So reserve your spot and let’s unleash the incredible, soul-led creator you came to this planet to be.
Physics of Manifestation
The science of soul led creation
New Zealand
March 20 | 07:00
Central Europe
March 19 | 19:00
Pacific USA
March 19 | 11:00