Energetic, Mental and Spiritual Sovereignty
Free your field from interference.
Activate your spiritual empowerment.
Energetic, Mental and Spiritual Sovereignty
Free your field from interference.
Activate your spiritual empowerment.
One of the most important steps in spiritual growth is being sovereign in your own consciousness field. This means freeing yourself of interference from other negatively impacting people, entities, non-physical beings, agendas, inorganic material, mental thought forms, and various other enslavement energies and fields of influence..
While at the same time stepping into your highest spiritual and energetic fields of potent potentiality. This means expanding your consciousness to access the highest aspects of yourself. You are far more than your physical body and personal auric field.
You are a pure divine consciousness with aspects of yourself stationed in the higher dimensions. Your path of spiritual growth is not in leaving your body to escape to the spiritual dimension, but rather bringing down into your physical embodiment all that you are in the higher spiritual realms.
One of the most important steps in spiritual growth is being sovereign in your own consciousness field. This means freeing yourself of interference from other negatively impacting people, entities, non physical beings, agendas, inorganic material, mental thought forms, and various other enslavement energies and fields of influence..
While at the same time stepping into your highest spiritual and energetic fields of potent potentiality. This means expanding your consciousness to access the highest aspects of yourself. You are far more than your physical body and personal auric field.
You are a pure divine consciousness with aspects of yourself stationed in the higher dimensions. With your path of spiritual growth, not being in leaving your body to escape to the spiritual dimension. But rather bring down into your physical embodiment all that you are in the higher spiritual realms.
There exists in our grand experiment in duality various fields of influence that affect human consciousness. There is the organic matrix that connects us to Pure Source, this connection is governed by the trinity waves of a geometric codex. This tri-wave represents the Mother, Father, and Divine Child.
These aspects of consciousness are held in place by the new geometry of the new Aquarian Age of time, the Krystal Spiral. The Krystal Spiral is an architecture designed to interface in and out with Source. Providing a connection to the eternal light of the Prime Creator.
When our bio-energy field and DNA are aligned to the organic matrix we can access these frequencies and fields allowing our consciousness to plug into our own Source Consciousness.
At the same time we also have an inorganic matrix as a morphic field of influence moving through Earth that humans are being influenced by. This inorganic matrix is an artificial energy field that is designed to harvest frequency, energy, and consciousness.
Think of the inorganic matrix like a spider’s web of interlacing and permeating fields of energy corrupting human consciousness away from its pure original design. When influenced by the inorganic matrix you are lured into behaviours of a lower vibration that is influenced by egoic deficiencies that are still playing out in one’s energy field.
These consciousness traps pull and syphon energy from your field to be used as fuel to the higher dimensional designers and architects of the inorganic matrix. This energy fuels the overall inorganic matrix system, which relies on this energy as fuel to sustain itself, seeing this consciousness has lost its direct connection to Source.
On Earth we see this playing out as physical structures designed to keep humanities consciousness trapped in the illusion of the artificial matrix. Right now we are witnessing heightened behaviour from the inorganic matrix attempting to trap as many beings as possible into the inorganic matrix through its various control structures.
- The Academic Indoctrination system of School and College – To lock humanity in it’s mental body and split off from the emotional, empathic and loving soul intelligence
- The Military Industrial complex – to keep people in perpetual states of fear
- The Mainstream Media – The propaganda arm designed to sell narratives
- The Pharmaceutical Industry – Designed to degenerate biology
- The World Financial Slavery System – To keep people in financial enslavement
- The various Intelligence Agencies and Government – The major thrust of control that gives the illusion of freedom through democracy, yet carries out policy through Fascism
- The Big Tech FAANG group – Data harvesting and information control system
- The Religious control structures across Judaism, Christianity, and Islam – the feed into the False Father God Matrix capping consciousness
With a major thrust being wide-scale genetic engineering through the new vaccine technology that can more easily anchor humans into the inorganic false matrix. This new biotechnology is permeated out through all aspects of the inorganic matrix control structures simultaneously, legitimising the narrative through social engineering and mass psychological operations.
The effect is a mainstream acceptance of a mass vaccination campaign that deepens people into the False Matrix. The programming contained in the vaccination deepens people into the inorganic matrix and sets up greater ability for psychological and spiritual manipulation and control. Leading towards their cybernetic and transhumanist agendas.
Currently on Earth we are moving through a bifurcation where the organic and inorganic matrix and consciousness fields are increasingly separating and those connecting to each of these fields are also separating into other parallel realities and timelines.
You can imagine that this bifurcation creates a consciousness grouping that is moving into higher dimensional consciousness and is evolving its DNA. While those that remain attached to the archetypes and structures of the Ego and inorganic matrix remain in a descending system with a devolving DNA.
The power elite uses sophisticated subliminal programming across all of its control systems that gently reinforce one another in a negative feedback loop designed to keep humanity in a negative ego to prevent escape from the inorganic matrix. The biggest tool is psychological fear to keep the masses in phase locked in a low vibrational state.
These structures of the ego the control system targets include:
- Soul Fragmentation
- Anxiety
- Egoic denial and ignorance
- Spiritual Ego
- Victim – Victimiser
- Patriarchy
- Fear of the unknown
- Fear of the outside world
- Not trusting one’s own guidance
- Trauma
- Pain avoidance
- Mental rigidity
- Emotional fragmentation
- Co-Dependence
When you are inside the false matrix energy web, thought forms are sent into the morphic field which promotes greater fear and movement into the lower structures of the ego.
Around the world the mainstream media has become compromised and is used as a propaganda tool to drive home particular agendas that serve the power elite. This creates a thick morphogenic field.
That narrative is that the Coronavirus is deadly and the only way out is to vaccinate the whole world.
The Sovereignty transmission is a deep dive into your consciousness pulling out any inorganic material that may exist, and returning to you all Energies and Essences, Codes and Consciousness, Accessories and Identities that have been stolen, misdirected, or extracted from you.
It will provide a clearing for:
- All enslavement energies
- Mind distortions
- Illusions
- False perceptions
- Inorganic implants
- Family or origin records
- Ancestral Records
- Soul Records
- Golden Akasha records
It will also clear highest priority misaligned:
- Inserted polarity thought forms archetypes
- Unbalanced Patriarchal Mind Domination Thought fields
- Unbalanced Matriarchal Mind Submissive Thought Fields
- Genetic or Galactic misaligned race memories
- The Krystal Spiral into your multidimensional consciousness
- Braid your Mother Principle 12 Magnetic Base Tones with the Father
- Principle 12 Electrical Acceleration Overtones with the DNA Vector
- Codes and Fire Letter Sequences
- Activate, Integrate, and weave their DNA Seed Codes, their DNA
- Cellular Matrix, and Vector Time Codes
- Begin DNA spontaneous awakening
- Anchor lock and seal into their DNA Morphic Field as an unbreakable time-released codex, phase-locked and perfectly synchronised with their rate of consciousness expansion and spiritual growth
- Accessing the tri-wave phasic pulsations of Source and override all bi-wave architecture patterns and rhythms.
- Bring through a stream of 12th dimensional Cosmic Christ Consciousness
- Reconnect you with your spiritual family and open higher dimensional communication links
Free your field from interference.
Activate your spiritual empowerment.
Never before has it been more important for those on the ascending path, or those intending to spiritually evolve, to move out of the inorganic false light matrix.
We are all feeling the closing of the psychological net and entrapment strategies that are being conducted on our planet in this unprecedented time.
The intention behind this transmission is to give you a tool to clear and cleanse your energy field from these interference energies. As well as return to you your highest spiritual ascending pathway, through reconnecting to your own source consciousness. There is no more powerful being than a fully awakened human reconnected to their own Source consciousness. In this time of great mass psychological manipulation we need as many people standing in the luminosity of their personal power.
Use this transmission time and again as you need when ever you feel you need a booster to bring you up into your full power and potential.
Your family and the world needs you at your best right now, for if we do not stand here, we may fall. The world our children may inherit will be determined by our actions and stance in these moments.
Let’s stand together in our power and sovereignty.
I trust you enjoy this transmission as a consciousness boost whenever you may need it.
Hi, I’m Christof, a leadership coach, entrepreneur, speaker, shamanic facilitator, and curator of epic transformational experiences.
I’ve spent over 27 years working with Fortune 500 executives, pro-athletes and experts in health, performance, the healing arts, psychology, and leadership. I have studied formally to acquire degrees in psychology, physical education, and energy medicine with Brennan Healing Science while curating fundamental knowledge alongside the world’s leading thinkers in health, healing, performance, spirituality, and consciousness.
It’s this collective wisdom and experience that inspired me to establish the Neo-Shamanic Society. We cultivate incredible neo-shamanic facilitators who continue to help more and more people heal and transform with this school.
We have a growing catalog of masterminds, experiences, and projects connecting thought-leaders across disciplines who are ready to grow and evolve their leadership style. We’ve gathered hundreds on top of sacred mountains, on secluded tropical islands, in dense jungles and among ancient pyramids. I’ve also been invited to share my knowledge and insights on live and virtual stages with some of the world’s most progressive leaders, including Foster Gamble and Kimberly Carter-Gamble and their Thrive-On movement.
Most significantly, however, is my role as a husband, a father and a man on a mission to help conscious leaders master a new way of living, leading and loving to serve themselves, their family and the world.
Hi, I’m Christof, a leadership coach, entrepreneur, speaker, shamanic facilitator, and curator of epic transformational experiences.
I’ve spent over 27 years working with Fortune 500 executives, pro-athletes and experts in health, performance, the healing arts, psychology, and leadership. I have studied formally to acquire degrees in psychology, physical education, and energy medicine with Brennan Healing Science while curating fundamental knowledge alongside the world’s leading thinkers in health, healing, performance, spirituality, and consciousness.
It’s this collective wisdom and experience that inspired me to establish the Neo-Shamanic Society. We cultivate incredible neo-shamanic facilitators who continue to help more and more people heal and transform with this school.
We have a growing catalog of masterminds, experiences, and projects connecting thought-leaders across disciplines who are ready to grow and evolve their leadership style. We’ve gathered hundreds on top of sacred mountains, on secluded tropical islands, in dense jungles and among ancient pyramids. I’ve also been invited to share my knowledge and insights on live and virtual stages with some of the world’s most progressive leaders, including Foster Gamble and Kimberly Carter-Gamble and their Thrive-On movement.
Most significantly, however, is my role as a husband, a father and a man on a mission to help conscious leaders master a new way of living, leading and loving to serve themselves, their family and the world.