Thank you for tuning in.
It was a pleasure to enjoy such a deep conversation, and If you resonated with some of the advanced principles we explored, you’ll definitely want to keep an eye on my regular newsletter and add me on your socials.
To accelerate your personal evolution, I’ve created a free treasury for you containing two of the tools that have proven most valuable to the 12,000+ members of our Neo-Shamanic community.
Thank you for tuning in.
It was a pleasure to enjoy such a deep conversation, and If you resonated with some of the advanced principles we explored, you’ll definitely want to keep an eye on my regular newsletter and add me on your socials.
To accelerate your personal evolution, I’ve created a free treasury for you containing two of the tools that have proven most valuable to the 12,000+ members of our Neo-Shamanic community.
Your Spiritual Growth Cheat Sheet
The first tool in your free treasury is the Spiritual Growth Cheat Sheet. It’s a series of quick-fire, high-impact videos with an accompanying PDF guide that outlines the exact steps and sequences required for evolving your consciousness and achieving accelerated spiritual growth.
As the co-founder of a leading Shamanic healing arts school, I have been fortunate enough to support many people through their journey of deep change and evolution.
Thanks to the organic ceremonies, plant medicine initiations, deep shamanic rituals, and rites of passage offered by the Neo-Shamanic Society I have had many profound and pretty crazy experiences that have helped define my reality map.
It is this embodied wisdom, gathered over years of working at the forefront of consciousness evolution that I’ve woven into the Ultimate Spiritual Growth Cheat Sheet. It allows you to appreciate the key initiations your soul must pass through and provides a map that can bring you to embodied ascension, which is what it really means to experience self-actualisation.
Walk Your Golden Path
The second gift awaiting you in your free treasury is my Golden Path Transmission – an incredible tool for you to utilise right away. Created in collaboration with one of the Neo-Shamanic Society’s master sound healers, this is an energy upgrade you’ll want to return to again and again.
When you listen, you’ll access your Golden Akasha pre-birth Soul Agreements. As these start to work at the level of your DNA and bio-energy field, you’ll find it becomes easier and easier to connect with and embody your highest potential in this life…and begin to walk your Golden Path truly.
I’m excited to know you’ll be accessing the Spiritual Growth Cheat Sheet and Golden Path Transmission. These are tools that have proven their worth to thousands of seekers like you, and I’m so glad you now get to benefit from them too.
I look forward to seeing you in our community and hopefully, you’ll feel called to join one of our live events or online programs!
All my love