At the core of our being, Alaya and I are experiential artists.

We love the magick, alchemy, precision, and depth that only getting together live in person can bring. There is no question we can go deeper and faster in a coherent live in person group harmonic. We are at our best in live situations, from larger group tours where we explore bucket list destinations in service to healing the land, to smaller more intimate retreats, supporting personal processes, navigating the shadows, healing, growing, and evolving together.

We choose to combine our programmes as lead-ins to our live experiences.

Our direct experience has shown us that doing a programme of personal inquiry with a community of others of like mind and heart massively amplifies the results we can achieve live.

Everything we do is with depth. For this reason, the blended experience of online and live work synergistically together, allowing us to facilitate far deeper transformation than simply a live experience on its own. Everything we do is inside a shamanic container which amplifies the energetics and brings a sense of sacredness and stillness to proceedings.

Watch some of our event show reels below.

We have three types of live experiences:

Shamanic Initiations

Burst through new levels of awareness and being.

Healing Retreats

Deep personal and collective transformation.

Sacred Travels

Visit special worlds of magick and miracles.


Initiations have been the rites of passage for indigenous cultures since antiquity.

They are stepping stones to various stages of evolution in the journey of the soul. We have brought back ‘shamanic initiation’ with a contemporary lens to help you burst through new levels of awareness and being.


New Zealand

21 – 24 November

Our initiations involve the use of ancient ceremonial rituals for accelerated growth and transformation.

Our lineage of learning and shamanic mastery comes from working with lineagues from the Peruvian Amazon jungle, Andean Mountains in Sacred Valley Peru, Gabon Africa, Egypt, with spiritual support and guidance from our star families. We use various shamanic tools, techniques, elixirs, and processes to assist your evolving consciousness.

Our initiations are designed to take you deeper into yourself by helping you to become the cosmonaut of your inner space. We focus on healing the past through shamanic initiation so that you can create your future. Our ceremonial initiations revolve around the archetypes of death and rebirth, visioning and conscious life design. They are explicitly designed to help accelerate the expansion of your consciousness, and to help retrieve lost soul aspects, and integrate higher dimensional pieces of yourself.

Shamanic Healing Facilitation

For the last 10 years, we have been on the leading edge of safe shamanic healing containers to expand consciousness. We have worked all around the world, leading and supporting others through shamanic ceremonial rituals to speed up healing and transformation.

All our lineages of initiation come with their sacred ceremonial container, style, purpose, and context. Our vision is to take highly committed people over several years of journeys from the root to the fruit. Starting them off healing deep wounds and leading them into union with the divine.

By working sequentially through egoic deficiencies up into soul and cosmic expansion, we can prepare you to access your highest spiritual essence. We support you through preparation, initiation, integration, and embodiment through our online program the Keys, and our coaching team. Our world-class team of psychics, seers, oracles, healers, and mystics provide unparalleled support and care leading up to and through the whole process.

The path of initiations is not for everyone

Alaya and I only work with small numbers of highly dedicated people with a sense of purpose and mission. If you would like to be considered for our highest level of service and support, in our highest level of mastery, apply below.

The Root Initiation

Pulling the foundational root to deficiencies and compensations.

Amazon Morphogenesis

Christos-Avatar blueprinting for accelerated morphogenesis.


We believe our ability to thrive as a species is directly related to the emergence of a more heart-centered living — especially in Evolutionaries.

We offer 3-7 days of invitation-only retreats in different parts of the world for Evolutionaries who want to burst through internal barriers, blocks and self-imposed ceilings. In live retreats, you get to experience the rarefied air of deep personal and collective transformation.

It is a very beautiful experience holding space for someone who is clearing years of trauma, or accessing deep wounds you never knew existed and emerging a different being as a result of clearing it.

Our team and programme has been specially designed to give you the right blend of wisdom, clearing, sharing, healing, movement, dance, celebration, art, culture, inspiration and revelation. We create a safe container for you to go deep, cultivate the right atmosphere for you to let go, be your authentic self and reveal your quintessence.

We believe that by revealing the deeper aspect of yourself, you can live with a far more embodied authentic depth. This naturally creates far more charisma, influence, and presence in all your interactions and projects. People will naturally listen to you with more intent as they can sense an unusual depth and wisdom emanating from you.

Our retreats are set with our potent shamanic morphic container. This field of energy is designed to shake up your life and help propel you to the next level — by going deep into your wounds, pain-body, and programming. These are all the pieces and places you have been avoiding with your clever ego for all these years. While we help you to navigate the shadows, we also reach for the stars. We will assist in accessing and circulating the wisdom of your higher consciousness and ground it so you can become more fully embodied.

Upcoming Retreats

Evolutionary Keys: Embodied

This retreat comes with the prerequisite of The Evolutionary Keys. We ask you to move through The Keys first as a baseline, so you can be fully primed for the live immersion to have maximum impact on your life.



Our tours are like no other. They are portals to the special world of magick and miracles. Our tours are not about sightseeing, but site-experiencing.

We open morphogenic fields to other pockets of time to heal land trauma, sacred site activation and build new energetic grids supporting higher consciousness. There are certain nodal points on the planet that form part of a crystalline grid that is a frequency overlay of energetic information.

Watch some of our event show reels below.



View info about past tours.

The fastest way to raise the consciousness of humanity is by activating the land they live on.

Due to the time-space coordinates we are in currently, we are moving through planetary ascension. This is when the planet experiences enough higher frequency that the whole planet moves up the dimensional scale. As we move up into a higher harmonic universe, we will experience more heart connection, unity consciousness, coherence and more evolved states and systems of living.

The Crystalline Grid that covers and surrounds the earth is currently undergoing its energetic upgrade to higher consciousness. This is significant because it will also shift the consciousness of all beings living on it. The Crystalline Grid is like a giant meridian network — keeping the frequency, energy and information circulating on the planet.

Just as humans experience blocked chakras or meridians that can cause congestion, our planet also experiences congestion and blocked energy. It is due to trauma on the land such as conflict and war over the millennia. Our planet is a living consciousness, evolving on her journey of spiritual evolution. Her ascension is the natural progression of her consciousness expanding to the next level of awareness.

Sacred sites and certain places on the earth are like meridian nodal points of high crystalline frequency. They act as intake zones into the planet of higher dimensional interstellar frequency that enters the girds. The earth’s energetic grid greatly amplifies and assists humanity’s rise in consciousness. The more the crystalline grid activates and holds higher frequency and consciousness, the more the mass public is affected by elevating their perception and raising their vibration.

We rise as she rises: she rises as we rise

The planet’s sacred sites, sanctuaries, pyramids, lost cities, stone circles, and ancient monuments sit on top of these energetic circuitries. The ancients knew of these energy currents and built ancient structures to help amplify the frequency and intelligence of the crystalline grid for evolutionary growth.

Our tours are all about becoming energetic architects so that we can amplify the crystalline grid. We want to grow and build new morphic fields of resonance with the architecting blueprints of humanity existing at unity consciousness. We have a vision of:

100 million souls at super consciousness by 2050.

Our tours bring together a diverse community of spiritually evolving beings from around the world. Conscious, awake and successful. They are drawn by the mystery and mysticism of exotic spiritual adventure tourism with a clear purpose: To serve by turning up, switching on, and uploading their unique coding and consciousness into the land.

They know that by broadcasting their signature alongside a diverse group of awake and aware beings, magical things happen. The land shakes and the planet shifts. A higher consciousness grid is inserted into the land for the benefit of not only the local people but also the planet as a whole.


The Root Initiation

Where you learn the reality of life, meet your soul, and learn who you truly are.

The starting point for your pathway of initiation with us resides in a Shamanic facilitated experience of an African rites of passage initiation. It is one of the most potent spiritual ceremonies in the world and is a way to step into life, free of the core conditioning that shaped you as a child.


New Zealand

29 August – 1 September

New Zealand

21 – 24 November

It is a true Rite of Passage, a “coming of age” ritual for women and men of all ages.

It offers without exception a true physical and spiritual test delivering completely changed people on the other side. Your life will always be compared to your life ‘before’ the Root, and your life ‘after’ the Root.

The initiation works as a way to ensure integrity, alignment, and connection. It is a cleaning and clearing of your core wounds and biggest egoic deficiencies that have moved you away from your true self, and the quintessence of who you truly are at a soul level. It is this initiation where you learn the reality of life, meet your soul, and learn who you truly are.

We work with the spirit of a plant from Africa. It has profound mystical properties that allow direct connection to your own source consciousness without intermediaries. It has been called the ‘Tree of Knowledge’ in the bible and gives profound access to all sorts of pockets and places of consciousness. It grounds you deeply into this reality while giving you access all the way to the Godhead.

It allows your conscious mind to navigate your subconscious and unconscious minds. You can become the cosmonaut of your Innerspace and have revealed to you many things from your childhood that have been deeply buried and forgotten that have shaped your reality to this day. You will be able to access deeply buried unconscious and long-suppressed fears, and negative emotions you didn’t know existed but are affecting your life to this day.

The initiation takes you back to your formative years and deals with the childhood and ancestral conditioning you experienced growing up. It gives you the opportunity to reprogramme your childhood and elevate the conditions of your life.

Upon acceptance of your application your journey begins.

Please note that not every application gets accepted as we have a very limited 10 to 16 spaces per intake, so please take the time to craft your application.

The whole process takes 6 months including the pre-initiation intake and integration aftercare.

Once accepted and place secured, you will receive an detailed questionnaire plus an invitation to conduct your life essay. This will guide you into much deeper contact with your personal life story, the factors that shaped your upbringing, and the programming and conditioning you received growing up.

From the moment you accept a place, the morphogenetic field of the Root Initiation begins working on you straight away. Do not be surprised if life presents you with all sorts of tests and internal triggers as the initiation brings to the surface things that you have been deeply burying over the years.

Just know that the initiation begins from the moment you say yes!

The initiation itself will last over four days with us, with one day extra on your own contemplating and integrating before you return home. The initiation itself is in retreat format where we are altogether very focused on the initiation. We do not give any details of the ritual itself in a public setting, this is for initiates only and you will be fully briefed before you come to the beginning of the initiation.

The next three months are a crucial time for your integration and application of what you have learned in the deeply transformational experience. You will have a unique opportunity to consciously rewire your brains neural nets and patterns. Because the strong electrical charge of the wound has been taken out. This gives you the space to consciously craft a response, rather than simply coming from a reaction which was automatic and unconscious up until this point.

Integration is all about embodying the changes in your real-world life. The depth of healing that is completed on the root initiation allows you to have a fresh start in life so you can formulate new perceptions and beliefs about the world and people around you. Without the lens of the wound that has clouded your perception and ability to move past the self limiting blocks and barriers you have created up until this point.

As we like to say, the real ceremony is the ‘ceremony of your life’ after the initiation.


Piercing the Veil

See and witness the totality of the whole, both the inner light and dark.

The Piercing the Veil initiation is for those looking to have a direct experience of dissolving into the unified field, utilising the potent spirit of the ‘The Mother’ from Peru. This powerful initiation also allows your consciousness to navigate trauma, pain, and woundings in a different way than the Root Initiation. Through the energy achieved in the ceremonial ritual your consciousness is able to expand and explore not only your inner space, but also many of the mysteries of life, and the cosmos.

You are able to see and witness the totality of the whole, both the inner light and dark, as well as the true nature of reality.

You are able to navigate in quantum time and go back into parts of your life that experienced trauma and pain and release the trapped energies that are creating the defences, suppressed emotions, and therefore blockages, ceilings, and upper limits for your life.

This initiation takes you directly into your shadow states and has you directly experience deeply buried emotions and trauma, which then are able to be released seeing you are able to process them properly in the ceremonial initiation. This initiation brings you to enter the darkness in true vulnerability to heal and integrate the fractured pieces of yourself to bring yourself to more wholeness.

This initiation allows your ego to cross the veil between the physical world and the spiritual one. You need to confront your ego’s grip on your life, learn to let go and trust that your consciousness still exists in the afterworld. It is the initiation of surrendering and letting go, to directly experience your consciousness existing across the other side of the veil.

Everything you experience inside this initiation is a projection of your own internal consciousness. Many people in this initiation report remarkable visions, people, or spirits that seem to be appearing to them externally. However, in truth, the visions and experiences in the ceremony are simply projections of our internal state. Everything experienced is contained within your consciousness, coding (DNA), or spiritual contracts that are held in place.

By working on your suppressed emotions and energies, you are able to release the energetic charge that often exists when you get triggered. The reason the triggers happen is because of this deeply buried trapped emotion, that ends up attracting towards you towards the very people, events, and experiences that helped create it in the first place. You then become triggered and project onto the person or situation an energetic defense to prevent that energy from coming in and touching the wound.

This initiation allows you to go in and experience the trapped emotion and energy, thus releasing the energetic charge. Therefore giving you the spaciousness in life to move from being reactive to being responsive.

Priority is given to those who have completed The Root Initiation.

Once accepted and your place is secured, you will receive our questionnaire and life essay, which is designed to take you deeper into contemplation. This is a deep dive to properly prepare you for the upcoming initiation. This will begin your internal inquiry process, and start working on navigating your shadows. We will provide further resources, and tools for transformation as you come closer and move through the initiation itself.

Once you are accepted into the initiation the process begins immediately as you enter the morphogenetic field of the Piercing the Veil Initiation. Be prepared to have irritations come up in your field leading into the initiation, including triggers and upsets from situations and people reflecting to you some of the programming still held inside.

The initiation itself will last over four days with us, and one day extra on your own contemplating and integrating before you return home. The initiation itself is in retreat format where we are all together and very focused on the initiation. We do not give any details of the ritual itself in a public setting, this is for initiates only and you will be fully briefed before you come to the beginning of the initiation.

The next three months are a crucial time for your integration and application of what you have learned in the deeply transformational experience. You will have a unique opportunity to consciously rewire your brains neural nets and patterns. Because the strong electrical charge of the wound has been taken out. This gives you the space to consciously craft a response, rather than simply coming from a reaction which was automatic and unconscious up until this point.

Integration is all about embodying the changes in your real-world life. The depth of healing that is completed on the root initiation allows you to have a fresh start in life so you can formulate new perceptions and beliefs about the world and people around you. Without the lens of the wound that has clouded your perception and ability to move past the self limiting blocks and barriers you have created up until this point.

As we like to say, the real ceremony is the ‘ceremony of your life’ after the initiation.


Amazon Morphogenesis

Home of our Peruvian Shipibo Shamanism

Every 2-3 years Alaya and I return to the home of our Peruvian Shamanic Lineage, and our camp Casa Shipibo, nestled deep in the Amazon jungle 6-8 hours from Iquitos Peru. It is at this camp I was initiated and went through my Shamanic apprenticeship over 8 years of facilitating groups out at Casa Shipibo.

First quarter 2024

The camp is raw, real, and authentic

It strips you back from the luxuries of western life and transports you back in time several hundred years.

You live life in the community as they would have a few hundred years ago. Very isolated, free of electricity, wifi, plumbing, and all things we take for granted today, giving one of the most authentic shamanic experiences you can have in your life.

We are currently preparing other facilitators who are deeply trained by us at our school The Neo Shamanic Society, who will be able to take and run camps throughout the year. This ongoing guided facilitation and facility without Alaya and I personally being there will be ready by 2024.

We are excited to release the Casa Shipibo camp as an ongoing project for the evolution of humanity as soon as the first facilitators have been through the multi-year deep dive required, to be able to hold the sacred space at the level of integrity and mastery we require.

In the meantime, we will be personally taking a group in the first quarter of 2024, for this extraordinary, authentic Shamanic initiation.

We will be announce dates for the first quarter 2024 by October 2023.


Cosmic Connections

Coming in 2023 for initiates whose consciousness is ready to enter the planes of bliss.

The Elixirs of life are a sacred alchemical formula based on an ancient process that turns matter into highly refined and etheric liquid. These powerful substances hold the key to unlocking higher levels of consciousness and the total unification to your Divine Self.

This sacred formula holds the key to multi-dimensionality.

Essentially these Elixirs are an organic formula that has been refined into a crystal clear fluid that is ingested for advanced spiritual illumination. Within these pure ceremonial elixirs, the spirit molecule becomes more active.

This molecule is a natural element found in 99% of all organic life on Earth and holds the key to multi-dimensionality. This Spirit compound is supremely pure and alchemically refined to the point where only its pure essence is within the Elixir.

What is their history?
These rare and secret substances have been hidden in the ancient footsteps of legends and mythological traditions. From the Himalayan Rishis, Egyptian Pharaohs, Sumerian Rulers, Greek Legends, Chinese Sages, and Persian Magi, to the Secret Societal Alchemists and Ancient Royal Families. The Hidden Elixirs have played an undisclosed role in the tapestry of secret initiations to these selected few.

How do the Elixirs work?
These Sacred Elixirs are an exceptional advancement of conscious expansion and acceleration to shift one’s reality to its highest divine alignment. The Elixirs hold the potential to bring you to the rarified planes of Cosmic Bliss and Love. They are not designed for shadow work, but rather a unification of your consciousness with the Divine and Godhead.

Through direct experience, you will begin to witness the full spectrum of your multidimensional self. As well as the high-frequency energy field that is set up for the sacred ceremony ritual, you will experience direct body regeneration and activations uniquely for your advancement. There are also many other potentialities and possibilities that these sacred Elixirs can do for you, however, it is all reflective of the level of consciousness you are abiding at.

Who are the Elixirs for?
The Elixirs are for initiates who have passed through the human initiations and have emerged with their consciousness sanctified and stabilised. Only those with a strong mental stability and emotional balance, combined with expanded consciousness, and high vibration can handle the very high crystalline frequency that comes through the Cosmic Connection Initiation.

Utilising this secret alchemical formula, in the right ceremonial container, the Elixirs of Life can take your consciousness to the highest levels of spiritual embodiment possible in this incarnation. The Elixirs of Life are for high-level spiritual initiates looking to take their spiritual life and consciousness to the next highest level possible.

Next intake 2023.

Egypt, A Sacred Tour

Our initiations are invitation-only experiences.

Egypt is a place of majesty and magic, its splendor and wonder boggle the mind and open the heart to another reality and dimension. A trip through Egypt is like going back in time to the living dynasty of the Pharaohs, Kings, and Queens of the age. Join Christof and Alaya on a sacred tour as they open the magic and marvels of Egypt.

Israel, A Sacred Tour

Our initiations are invitation-only experiences.

Location of a sacred tour where we anchored in the 12-tree grid and upgraded the morphogenic field with the original organic 12-dimensional Tree of Life in Safed, Israel. An Extraordinary tour exploring middle eastern culture through the lens of expanded consciousness.

New Zealand, A Sacred Tour

Our initiations are invitation-only experiences.

Aotearoa, our home. It is our dream to bring you to the first Lemurian consciousness fields and experience the deep stillness, peace, presence and natural beauty of New Zealand.

Machu Picchu & Sacred Valley, Peru

Our initiations are invitation-only experiences.

Explore one of the living wonders of the world, Sacred Valley, and the jewel of the Andes Macchu Picchu. My favourite place in the whole world, and a must-visit on any bucket list, join us as we explore the rich culture of the Incan Empire and the power of the sacred sites.

Glastonbury, England

Our initiations are invitation-only experiences.

Come and experience the land of magic, dragons, and druids. Glastonbury is the heart of our planet, and a beautiful place for metamorphosis and transformation. Journey back in time to the Arthurian Aeon and move through the sacred sites to experience your activations and expanded awareness.

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