christmas special


merry christmas

Alaya and I would like to take this opportunity to share a Christmas message and delve into the deeper mystical comprehension of the consciousness of Christ at this time. We aim to provide a unique insight into the true message of Christ’s Consciousness.

why this christmas is different

The energetic setup on planet Earth right now is unlike anything we’ve seen before. With Pluto moving into Aquarius and the recent liberation of ancient consciousness fields (as we wrote about recently with Merlin), we’re in a unique window where accessing these higher frequencies is becoming easier than ever.

The veils are thinning. The old barriers are dissolving. The frequency gates are opening.

So much dark architecture has been removed from the planet since the emergence of the pandemic. By “dark architecture,” I mean that, in the same way a building relies on physical foundations made of concrete and steel, Earth’s energy fields resemble a vast city. Just as physical cities have foundations, underground systems, and towering structures, Earth’s consciousness grids had layers of energetic architecture built over millennia.

And just as a physical building requires foundations of concrete and steel, the old control systems were built on foundations of anti-matter and inverted frequencies. These dark foundations were carefully constructed through ritual and repetition, creating what we might call “consciousness lockdowns”—energetic barriers that limited humanity’s ability to access higher frequencies.

Since 2020, we’ve witnessed an unprecedented clearing of these ancient control systems. The pandemic, for all its challenges, created a massive pattern interrupt in the collective field. This disruption allowed the Forces of Light to systematically remove layers of dark architecture that had been limiting human consciousness.

Think of it like a divine demolition project—but instead of physical buildings coming down, we’re seeing the collapse of:

  • Ancient control grids
  • Inverted frequency networks
  • Anti-matter anchoring points
  • Consciousness suppression fields
  • Consciousness control systems

now it’s time for the physical

If you have been tracking my recent deep dives on the zeitgeist of the American election, then you know that the incoming administration is here to create change and begin demolishing the physical components of the control matrix and system.

The light energy and consciousness structures needed to dissolve first. Our core team has been heavily involved, along with other groups, in supporting the removal of dark architecture. It’s been tough going, but it feels like we’re lifting off the bottom.

This paves the way for the dismantling of physical systems. The next 12–18 months will be bumpy, as the physical system and those caught within it push back against becoming obsolete.

However, like a forest fire creates the space, nutrients, and fuel for regrowth, the incoming team will achieve the same outcome over the next four years.

making way for the light

With these oppressive architectures finally crumbling, something extraordinary is happening—human consciousness is naturally beginning to rise. Just like a balloon released from weights, our collective frequency is lifting.

Remember what happens when you raise the frequency of water? It literally changes state—from solid ice to flowing water to expansive vapour. The same transformation is happening with human consciousness right now.

As the old suppression fields fall away, people are naturally expanding into higher states of awareness. It’s as though we’re collectively remembering how to access something that was always our birthright—including that 12th-dimensional Christ frequency.

honouring the christ this christmas

Today we celebrate Christmas and the life of Yeshua Ben Joseph, Jesus Christ. However, we would like to invite you to broaden your perspective of “Christ.”

In our view, the concept of Christ is not limited to one being but represents a collective consciousness, stationed in the 12th dimension as a unified field of unconditional love. When someone bridges that state while embodied, they are said to hold Christ Consciousness.

Many throughout history have held this station of consciousness and have been honoured and revered in various religious and cultural traditions. Today, however, it is far more prevalent for more people to hold Christ Consciousness, due to the particular cycle of the precession of the equinox we are in.

The global frequency and consciousness are much higher now than they were then, making bridging into Christ Consciousness far more achievable for more people. Today, there are potentially thousands accessing Christ Consciousness on occasion and hundreds holding it permanently.

This is anchoring it for more people to access.

The keys to bridging lie in working through the layers of energetic psychology, particularly soul psychology, and navigating the dark layers of the soul matrix journey. Everyone—and we mean everyone—has dark lineages stretching through to the top of the matrix (12th dimension).

You can read the following article for a personal reflection on soul psychology, offering a glimpse of the deeper shadow work required to permanently access and anchor the 12th-dimensional current, which is Christ Consciousness:

the cosmic resurrection archetype

What many don’t realise is that the winter solstice holds within it the original template of the death and resurrection story. It’s literally played out in the heavens every year! It’s coded right into the sun in the Christmas Codex.

Here’s what happens:

  • The sun reaches its lowest point in the sky (the death on the cross)
  • For three days, it appears to stand still—the word “solstice” literally means “sun standing still” (the three days in the tomb)
  • Then, on December 25th, the sun begins to move northward again, bringing the promise of spring (the resurrection)

This cosmic drama isn’t just beautiful symbolism in the heavens—it’s a template for consciousness transformation encoded into the rhythms of our solar system. Mother Earth and Father Sun are showing us the way!

This pattern of descent into darkness, the stillpoint of transformation, and rising into new light is the universal blueprint for all spiritual awakening.

the universal christ consciousness: your divine birthright

When we look across human spiritual traditions, we see divine beings who came to show humanity its true potential. This Christmas, it’s fitting to honour them all, as Christ Consciousness is a unified field.

From Horus in Egypt to Krishna in India, to Buddha, Zoroaster, Quetzalcoatl, and others—their stories remind us that divinity lives within us all.

Make 2025 the year to dive deep. In the words of Carl Jung:

“No tree can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell.”

Here’s to gaining deep roots. Alaya and I look forward to supporting you in 2025.

Merry Christmas and all our love.

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